Making a card change places with one in a moving pack
This isn't a card trick on its own, but it's a very effective way to end any card forcing trick.
1. When you've found the chosen card in the pack, pick it out along with the one below it, holding them closely together so that they look like a single card.
2. Hold the two cards up to the audience, looking pleased with yourself. Ask them if the card you're holding up is their card-it won't be!!
3. Look heartbroken and replace the cards on top of the pack.
4. Say something like-"Wait, I think I can put this right" and take the top card (the real chosen card) and put it face down on the table.
5. Ask the member of the audience to hold the card down so it "can't escape".
6. Put the pack close to the card and fan the top of the pack with your finger to make a rushing noise.
7. Say "good, you didn't hold it hard enough, I've made you're card jump across"
8. Ask the person to look at the card. They'll be astonished to see it has changed into their chosen card!
1. When you've found the chosen card in the pack, pick it out along with the one below it, holding them closely together so that they look like a single card.
2. Hold the two cards up to the audience, looking pleased with yourself. Ask them if the card you're holding up is their card-it won't be!!
3. Look heartbroken and replace the cards on top of the pack.
4. Say something like-"Wait, I think I can put this right" and take the top card (the real chosen card) and put it face down on the table.
5. Ask the member of the audience to hold the card down so it "can't escape".
6. Put the pack close to the card and fan the top of the pack with your finger to make a rushing noise.
7. Say "good, you didn't hold it hard enough, I've made you're card jump across"
8. Ask the person to look at the card. They'll be astonished to see it has changed into their chosen card!