Let us quickly And easily show you how to do card tricks step by step instructions
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We teach you some of the best easy to learn card tricks effects available online ♣
Fantastic very easy card tricks for kids , beginners or intermediate level to learn

Bottoms up

1. Give a deck of cards to a member of the audience and tell them to shuffle it

2. Grasp the cards in your left hand.But first sneek a peek at the bottom card.

3. Place your right hand over the deck and lift half the deck slightly.(so no one can see it not even you)

4. Then place your right wedding ring finger and your middle finger ever so unnoticably.

5. Then begin to lift the half of the pack up while sliding the bottom card up with it.

6. Then show the audience the hole half with the card that you know on the bottom.Say its contents (eg six of hearts)

For best results practise the card trick by yourself first. Thus you will become faster and the audience wont be able to see you bring up the bottom card.

Tons of Cool free card tricks tutorials for you to try and master the technique
Shuffling, Mind Reading, Invisible, Illusion, Prediction and more awesome card tricks
Here you can Learn How to Perform Card Tricks Magic
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